The project of the Scientific Research Institute of the Unpredictable Past emerged as an idea to construct a community around the collective reimagining of historical narratives related to familiar places in the vicinity where participants live or work.

The main goal of the project is to work on a fictional historical construct that, on the one hand, may influence the collective identity of the group and, on the other hand, present an understanding of historical narrative as something open to assembly. Participants of the Institute assume that there is an undefined historical subject associated with places in the area and their history. The group employs various media for the collective exploration of missing pieces of this subject's existence, which, in turn, enriches the history of places, unfolding them unexpectedly. In this way, participants attempt to understand and reconsider their identity in the form of this ahistorical subject.

The project began in November 2021 at GES-2 and was not completed. On February 24, 2024, after the announcement of a full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory by Russian forces, the group decided to close the project. The outcome includes a video compiled from interviews with participants at different stages of this project.